Fashion and style according to Pierre Guénard, singer of the group Radio Elvis
What I really like about my job is the opportunity to meet artists, personalities, talents and to exchange with them. I decided to share with you these little moments, not an interview (I'm absolutely not a journalist), but rather a conversation with an artist that I love to talk friendly about his relationship to fashion, to clothes and of course to shoes and perhaps discover it in another way.
The first interviewee who kindly took part in the game was Pierre Guénard.< /span>
Philippe Zorzetto: For my first Fashion & Me, I am very happy to receive Pierre the singer of the group Radio Elvis. We are going to talk with Pierre about fashion, shoes, style and maybe even freedom. Hello Pierre, can you introduce yourself in a few words?
Pierre: In a very factual way, my name is Pierre and I have been the singer of the group Radio Elvis for 6 years.
PZ: Radio Elvis, why this name?
Pierre: it goes back a little longer when I arrived in Paris, I wanted to make music, I had lots of dreams in mind, I came des Deux-Sèvres, with the idea - in all humility - of becoming Jacques Brel. I had found quite quickly an artistic squat in the 10th arrondissement where we offered me right away to play once a month in this place and to be able to express myself as I wanted. I said yes pretending that I already had songs, a stage name… I had to come up with a stage name pretty quickly. Radio Elvis are the first two words that came to me when I picked up my guitar to compose my first song, and I thought Radio Elvis is a good stage name. I told myself that nothing could ever resemble that name, because it was quite original. And finally I was wrong because a few years later appeared Romeo Elvis. (laughs)
PZ: So you are 3 in the group and you met in this residence, right?
Pierre: No, I started on my own for 3-4 years and then Colin the drummer joined me. And then Colin introduced me to Manu and the group formed like that around the first “op” in 2013.
PZ: How is your day organized when you are working on an album?
Pierre: Working on an album is a vast program in several stages. When you're recording an album, the day is organized quite simply, you go into the studio at 9am and come out very late at night. Apart from that, for the writing of the album, it's above all a bit like a photographer, I think, I spoke about it for a while with a photographer who told me that it was a bit of a catch, he went out into the street waiting for things to happen, and I think writing an album is kind of the same thing. I leave myself a little time. We compose the music all 3. Each one on our side, together and for the texts there are several methods, sometimes I have periods when I will sit at my table every morning and I will do 3-4 hours of writing in a row and otherwise I force myself a little, I try to restrict myself, and then there are plenty of other periods that are much more contemplative where I walk a lot in Paris and I'm more into strategy of the walker.
PZ: We're going to talk a bit about fashion now, you pay attention to your look, tell me a bit about your relationship to fashion.
Pierre: it's always been a bit special for me because since I was little I've had a connection to clothes, for me clothes give spiritual strength (laughs ), that is to say that the clothes make who I am according to the period, according to the style, according to the colors, according to what it says. I don't know why, I've always attached a fairly capital importance to it
PZ: Has your look changed a lot over time?
Pierre: Yes yes, a lot a lot.
PZ: Did you have any research moments?
Pierre: (laughs) Very very questionable moments. In fact, it's complicated to know how to dress, it's complicated to tell the difference between what we like and what suits us. And I confused the two for a long time, so I often put on things that I loved and that didn't fit me at all. I had my Jim Morrison period and for example not everyone can dress like Jim Morrison (laughs) and I'm one of those people who can't dress like him. p>
PZ: And how do you define your style then?
Pierre: I don't define my style, it's something quite hybrid and changing depending on the day. It's quite rare to have it but one day a year we manage to have it, it's to let ourselves live and wear the things that come to hand and put them like that and be beautiful with it because we let yourself live in it, it's not too calculated.
PZ: Your look is different in the city and on stage or is it the same thing?
Pierre: it depends, sometimes it's the same and sometimes it's different. When it's too different often it's too calculated and it doesn't work, it shouldn't be too calculated I think.
PZ: And the Fashion faux-pas, does it exist for you?
Pierre: Well no, from the moment you let yourself live, I think you can afford to wear whatever you want if you like. is well assumed and well worn, I think it can work.
PZ: So you never had a fashion faux-pas?
Pierre: (laughs) Yes, because I didn't wear it well.
PZ: Do you remember the first pair of shoes you bought, the real pair of shoes I mean?< /p>
Pierre: The real pair of shoes I bought were at the start of Radio Elvis with my first money earned with music. With more money than I usually earned, I went to 7ème Lage at the time and bought myself a pair of high-top shoes.
PZ: Are you more of a thoughtful purchase or a compulsive purchase?
Pierre: a bit of both. But when it's compulsive, I really feel guilty afterwards.
PZ: Don't feel guilty (laughs). I already have the answer but are you more into basketball, boots, oxfords, derbies?
Pierre: I like everything. I love boots and oxfords
PZ: Do you have a favorite pair of shoes that you put on stage?
Pierre: it's going to be a little fayot but I have a pair of Zorzetto shoes that are 13/70 with high heels and I wear them on stage a lot.< /span>
PZ: And do you feel comfortable and comfortable?
Pierre: it's not the easiest to play because there are quite high heels and suddenly it's not easy for the guitar but it's are the ones I prefer for what it already says, for all the Rock imagery it contains and then because it makes a silhouette that I really like.
PZ: And do you maintain your shoes or not at all?
Pierre: Lots
PZ: Meaning?
Pierre: I can spend a lot of time aligning my shoes, I clean them after I brush them, I polish them. I love taking time to wax the seams
PZ: (to listeners) So when you need advice, you go directly to Pierre (laughs) for the maintenance of your shoes.
PZ: And how many pairs do you have altogether?
Pierre: I think I have 6 or 7, it's not completely crazy.
PZ: It's very reasonable. Do you have any advice to give to be well in your pumps
Pierre: Nurture them and be spontaneous
PZ: Thank you very much Pierre, see you very soon